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Scaladale is a purpose built activity centre located on the Isle of Harris. We are a not-for-profit youth organisation run by the Lewis and Harris Youth Club association. 

It is a valuable community asset. Our primary focus is facilitating outdoor learning for all children and young people in the Western isles. We do this by providing safe and exciting activities. While promoting good social and physical health and well being.


We operate as a hostel and provide exciting activities for visitors through the summer season. It’s the perfect way to experience our island. Providing these services funds the work that we do with local children. So, we thank you for booking with us!


We are proud of our Young Leader Programme, which facilitates and funds young islanders to train as instructors and obtain the required qualifications needed to start in the Outdoor industry. We are immensely grateful to the Robertson Trust who support us in funding this programme.

Our previous Young Leaders have gone on to become Outdoor instructors all across the country and the British isles as well as at the centre.


The photo below shows the original school for the surrounding townships Bogha Glas and Sgaladal . Once the school closed in the 1970's, a school in North Hampton bought the building and used it as a youth Hostel. from then it would be frequently used by the remaining local and visiting schools for residential trips. Eventually, in the 1980’s it was handed over to the Lewis and Harris Youth Club Association. It was identified that there was a need for a specialist facility. Thanks to funding bodies and fundraising, the centre was built in the year 2000. (What an amazing way to begin the millennium!) 

The new centre opened in the year 2001 and it has been a busy, important asset to the island community since.Scaladale is now proud to be one of Scotland’s most well equipped, purpose build outdoor centres. 


The Isle of Harris is the UK’s best outdoor environment and the centre is situated in a perfect place and we have our own slipway with access to loch Seaforth and Seaforth Island. The mountain trails for walking and mountain biking start and finish at the centre. There are rocks everywhere for climbing and bouldering. 


Scaladale provides the perfect base for independent adventurers wanting to get out and explore. 

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01859 502502

Ardvourlie, Isle of Harris, HS3 3AB




LHYCA  is a Scottish Charity. 

Number SC 016425

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